just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Reinstated and Still Shuned!
by new boy ini was at a wedding the summer before i left the jws and i met an old friend.
he had been reinstated for 6 months, he was dfed for 4 years.
so it took him 3 1/2 years before they would let him back in.
just fine
I knew someone like that when I was in over 20 years ago. He was disfellowshipped and reinstated, but never accepted back. It was awful for him. -
New Light: Clap when it is given a Reinstatement ad
by TheTruthBR ina new letter was posted in jw.org to the elders who are under the brazilian branch:.
january 25, 2016to all bodies of eldersref .
: clap when given a readmission addear brothers:we would like to inform you about a recent adjustment.
just fine
It's all about control. You can't be happy someone is reinstated unless we say so, just like you couldn't talk to them until we say so.
I have been out so long that the thought of someone telling me I can clap seems ridiculous.
knock knock
by Sabin inif jw`s come knocking at your door, do you open it & engage in conversation, tell them to sod off, or just not answer the door?.
my husband`s has asked me not to answer the door to them if he isn't here?
he hate`s the fact that they make a point of calling when they know he will be at work.
just fine
Last time they came through they left a magazine in my door - I was feeling a bit antagonized and I got in my car and found them at the end of my block and gave them the magazine back. I let them know how I feel about their disfellowshipping arrangement which the elder tried to defend. I let him have it in front of my neighbors who were getting their mail. It was funny - because everyone ran for their cars (2 car groups) and left that elder to deal with me. Everyone left that day and haven't been back. -
Types attracted to the sect known as jehovahs witnesses.
by atomant inl have observed the types of people attracted to the sect are many times unbalanced,unstable,emotionally insecure types.the jdubs seem to home in like vulchers circling the prey ,preying on the vulnerables.they tried it on me when my father who was an elder died.promising that if you become a dub you will one day see him again.l said how can you promise that when you keep making false misleading predictions.l was wondering if others have observed this phenomenon.
just fine
I think a lot of otherwise sane people get tangled up with the witnesses when they are going through vulnerable periods in their lives, more so if they have a relative that is a witness. -
How do I handle this situation?
by BarelyThere inhey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
just fine
Geez lay off the " she committed adultery" crap. We have all made mistakes leaving this wretched cult and we are all sinners. It doesn't make her a bad person, some of you are heaping on the judgement.
No one regardless of what they have done deserve to be treated this way by people who claim to be God's spokesmen. The shunning gives them a feeling of power and judgement over another.
How do I handle this situation?
by BarelyThere inhey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
just fine
I read that it was your email account- that was clear in your original post. People need to READ more and judge less.
People have no reasonable expectation of privacy when they use YOUR email.
How do I handle this situation?
by BarelyThere inhey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
just fine
Unfortunately I think most persons in the JW religion are like the MS. They are so judgemental they can't see their own lack of love. It's sad really.
Change the password on the email. Change all the lost password questions. If it's in your name there is nothing he can do about it. Or reply to one of the emails saying that if they are going to talk about you in such a manner the least they can do is not do it on YOUR email.
Canada - Abuse allegations in Newfoundland casting a cloud over Jehovah's Witnesses
by OrphanCrow inhttp://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/abuse-allegations-jehovahs-witness-1.3401468.
abuse allegations in newfoundland casting a cloud over jehovah's witnessesallegations of abuse involving two members of the jehovah's witness religious movement in newfoundland have emerged, though details of the charges are protected by a court-ordered publication ban.
cbc news has learned that a former volunteer church elder and his son are facing charges.the former elder is charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation relating to allegations dating from 2009 to 2012 in central newfoundland.according to court documents, a second man is charged with sexual assault, with the information referencing a period between may 2011 and december 2013 in a community on the avalon peninsula.cbc news has confirmed that the pair are father and son.a sexual exploitation charge involves anyone in a position of trust or authority who commits an offence against a young person.the matter involving the older accused was called at a provincial court on wednesday.it was set over until next month, when a date is expected to be set for trial.the younger accused is scheduled to make a court appearance later this month.. read full article at link.. *note the very last sentence in the article.
just fine
I know of a "brother" In Southern Ontario Canada, who abused several young girls, even his own nieces. I knew the nieces family back then, it was so sad. The girls were emotional wrecks. 20+years ago
i think one of his victims did kill themselves. I have been waiting for that one to become public.
Why I like the Mormons and why they are so much nicer then the JWs.
by new boy ini never really knew any until recently.
as a witness we all thought they were weird.
but the two faiths are a lot alike, except the mormons are really so much nicer than the jws!.
just fine
When you have to live in a place where non-Mormons are the minority - you have a different point of view. They try to control EVERYTHING.
They own a lot of land around the world and not just Temples or Ward/Stake houses- ranches, farms lots of money making endeavors. The church run businesses require you to be Temple worthy to work there (yes it's legal), And then there's the special underwear........
The Book of Mormon is all made up crazy talk. About the how the ten lost tribes of Israel settled in what is now the U.S. Even though there is not a shred of secular evidence to back up any of it, or evidence that the made up names for the tribes ever existed. Seriously crazy stuff. All hail Moroni and planet Kolob.
Why I like the Mormons and why they are so much nicer then the JWs.
by new boy ini never really knew any until recently.
as a witness we all thought they were weird.
but the two faiths are a lot alike, except the mormons are really so much nicer than the jws!.
just fine
The LDS are more arrogant and even more oppressive to women. I know this from personal experience. I agree that many of them are asserting themselves as gods now instead of waiting for the next world.